The Life of Swami Vivekananda by His and Western Disciples

This two-volume set provides the most exhaustive and authoritative biography of a man whom the world knows as a giant intellect, a great scholar and orator, a patriotic Hindu, a powerful preacher of Vedanta, and above all, a mystic par excellence – Swami Vivekananda. This biography presents the Swami, a multi-faceted personality, in all his moods and varied illumination so as to reveal the man as he was. A must for all the admirers of the Swami.


The Life of Vivekananda & Universal Gospel (Roman Rolland)

In this volume, the author, a great French savant and one of the finest examples of Gallic grace in intellectual culture, presents a fascinating and graphic account of Swami Vivekananda’s life and message. Though it is specially written for the western readers, nonetheless, its importance and value for all the admirers and devotees of the great Swami needs no emphasis. While turning the pages of this literary masterpiece, the readers are bound to feel the touch of a mind trained in the Western mode of critical analysis and scientific investigation.

The Complete works of Swami Vivekananda Volumes 1 to 9

In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognize herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.

Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries

This book is an outcome of the painstaking research work undertaken by the author with a view to provide correct information, as far as possible, to the devotees of Swami Vivekananda about his stay and work in the West together with contemporary reports and illustrations. The author has carefully traced the footsteps of the great Swami throughout his mission in the West and has supported her narration with adequate evidences in the form of newspaper reports, photographs, epistles, reminiscences, etc. Apart from presenting pictures of the places where the Swami lived and worked, and of the people he knew and loved and who helped him during his visit to the West, one main contribution of this present series is that it marshals massive evidence to prove that during his visits to the West the Swami was keenly devoted to doing ‘Mother’s work’ for which his Master had commissioned him. From these pages the Swami emerges as the illumined toiler who ceaselessly worked for ma’s advancement towards the fulfilment of his destiny. Here’s a series, among others, which certainly deserves a place on the bookshelf of all the lovers of the great Swami.

Swami Vivekananda on Himself

This book is a documentation of selected notes and utterances of Swamiji about himself and his work. These are arranged chronologically so as to form what may be called a near autobiography of the saint.




Inspired Talks

Swami Vivekananda was one of the first Indians in modern times to effectively convey the message of Indian Philosophy and Religion in the West and emphasise the same and the unique and glorious heritage of their nation. He was a powerful orator, a clear writer, a nice poet, a fine humorist, a master of Indian and Western philosophy, a deep thinker, a dreamer of an ideal human society and a great social worker. He is one of the greatest thinkers of modern India.

Notes of a series of inspiring class talks of Swami Vivekananda delivered during his seven weeks’ stay at Thousand Island park, U.S.A. on various religious and philosophical topics and recorded by Miss S.E. Waldo, an American disciple. This book records the most inspired thoughts of Swami Vivekananda during those days in class talks (and informal discussions) on wide ranging topics – spiritual, philosophical, cultural & social, on Saints and Prophets, History, people, etc. The language is very powerful. The ideas are very mature and clairvoyant. Many of the ideas create a great surprise in the reader considering the fact that the words were spoken around the year 1900. This book is a must for anyone who wants to get a glimpse of Swami Vivekananda.

Lectures from Colombo to Almora

After his memorable work in the West, Swami Vivekananda landed in Colombo on 15 January 1897. During his passage from Colombo to Kolkata, and from there to Almora, he had delivered electrifying lectures at different places, rousing the Indian masses from their age long siesta. These made the Indian masses aware of the greatness of their own culture and glorious heritage, and the distinctive role they ought to play in due course as far as the world peace and amity was concerned by the dissemination of spiritual ideas. In this book the reader can get a glimpse of what India stands for and where lies its true strength. This collection of thirty highly informative and inspiring lectures is specially meant for all those who are eager to learn about the glory of Indian culture and civilization.



Talks with Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda has revealed himself with even greater appeal in his intimate and informal conversations with his disciples than in his preaching in public. In these talks, he gives directions about spiritual practice and meditation, talks of high philosophy, and in the next breath discusses the problems of national regeneration, social reform, educational ideals, and other such topics.






Letters of Swami Vivekananda

“Letters are the reflections of one’s mind. We can imagine the magnetic effect the letters of a dynamic personality and saint like Swami Vivekananda had upon the lives of those to whom they were addressed. Even a single passage of many of his letters is sufficient to bring about a great revolution and complete transformation in one’s life …”

This Book contains all the important letters of Swami Vivekananda addressed to his eastern and western disciples.

Raja Yoga

Raja yoga, is the royal path of meditation. As a king maintains control over his kingdom, so can we maintain control over our own “kingdom”—the vast territory of the mind. The basic premise of raja yoga is that our perception of the divine Self is obscured by the disturbances of the mind. If the mind can be made still and pure, the Self will automatically, instantaneously, shine forth.

The first part of the book comprises lectures on Raja Yoga delivered by Swami Vivekananda in New York. The second part is a free translation of the aphorisms of Patanjali by Swamiji, with a running commentary.

Jnana Yoga

In the pages of this book one comes across a brilliant exposition of the philosophy of Vedanta and its practice through the method of enquiry and discrimination. These lectures were delivered by Swami Vivekananda at London and New York. The great Swami’s exposition of a subject so abstruse in a style which makes its comprehension easy even for an ordinary man is nothing short of a miracle in English language. One of the best books dealing with the path of discrimination for attaining the summum bonum of human life and hence very important, not only for the seekers of truth, but also for the academicians and students of Vedanta.

Bhakti Yoga

Love in its varied aspects is the motive force behind all the actions of living beings. But love takes its highest form when directed towards the God. Among the different paths leading man towards the attainment of the Supreme Truth is the one of love, devotion, and complete surrender. In this book Swami Vivekananda expounds how this path of Bhakti leads man to God. Being an exposition by one of the pioneers in the religious and spiritual realm of the modern times, the value of this work need not be emphasized. Lucid, simple, and to the point, the words of the Swami touch the hearts of the readers and puts them on to the divine path of love supreme.

Karma Yoga

This is a book that is about how to work, and not get caught by expectations. Swami  Vivekananda explains Karma Yoga as the practical application of the teachings of Vedanta to the affairs of daily life. He shows the technique of converting the mundane activities of everyday life into a means of attaining supreme blessedness through selfless action.



Most of these books are available online at